Well it's late....again....and I'm still up....again. As if passing through 2 pretty big time zones in the past week wasn't enough, tonight the clocks go back an hour. My body is now officially out of whack haha. When I first arrived in London everyone was amazed I wasn't at all jetlagged. Is it possible to catch up with you a week later? As that's how I feel. YAWN. I hardly wanted to get off the couch this morning. Wasn't til about 2 o clock I finally got up and ready and out of the house. We walked around Sodetalje and then up a HUGE hill (whew! workout!) to get to the musuem. It was a very neat little place with old buildings, friendly people and all kinds of animals like a petting farm. Was fun and could look out from the top over the whole city.
Back to those first few nights in London I would get a few hours of rest early in the night then be up at crazy hours in the AM. Now I can't seem to get to sleep and lay awake until 2 am which then leads to wanting to sleep til noon and waste the day. Predicament! Just when I get used to it I'm going back to the UK time zone. Such is travelling I suppose!
I keep thinking in the words of my dad the other day....."you look tired" when talking about one of my pictures I posted. I'm supposed to look happy, fullfilled, amazed and refreshed....yet so far I look tired haha.
One other tidbit....I still don't think this whole idea of backpacking Europe alone as a solo female traveller has really set in. I mean it's always been something I've wanted to do and in the past few years have been a pretty adventurous soul...and yet here I am feeling like this is all kind of normal. It's not until someone is amazed at the fact I'm setting out to conqur the world on my own and responds with OH WOW.....BY YOURSELF?!?! I mean this is 2011....there are alot of other woman like me.....I think.
I don't feel all that different anyway. Maybe I will as my adventures progress and I am no longer in the safety of my wonderful friends along the way. They have made the beginning of my trip sooooo fantastic beyond all my expectations <3 !! (LOVE)
I kept thinking I was just busy with all the planning that once I hit London it would all sink in....nope, how about Sweden, still nope....maybe Scotland....we shall see!
Nothing much to report just wanted to put some words down on here and try to quiet my mind so I can get some rest. I was feeling like my blog has been pretty point form the last few entries and would like to get back to putting a little more flow and fun in my writing.
Hmmmm what will Sunday Funday bring....
Off to count some sheep....wish me luck!
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Plans Change
I have spent the last two nights in Sodertalje. I said goodbye to Sandra and her family on Thursday after doing a little bit of shopping in Old Town and she helped me with the trains to go meet Niclas.
I've been lucking out with the weather as it hasn't even rained once! It was dark and cloudy yesterday but back to sunny and beautiful today.
I slept in and had a leasurely morning. Got to do laundry yay!!
Niclas and his friend came home and we headed into town to this super cool fun place. About 4 or 5 buses/trains later we made it there. Apparently it's pretty close but feels a long ways a way when you take so many modes of transportation. It was a 4 storey glass building filled with movie theatres, bowling, arcade games, pool tables.....everything you could ever want to do for fun was there! Neat place!
We headed out for dinner there and Niclas's two sisters and one of their boyfriends joined us. Everyone spoke English so it was great but whenever they couldn't come up with the word they'd speak in Swedish. As long as people talk with their hands and expressions I can usually figure out the jist of whats being said haha. One of the guys I met back in London told me everyone in Sweden is very well dressed and good looking....that's very true, everyone looks quite put together.
Everyone was so nice and was lovely to meet them! We headed for a game of bowling which they were all good at and I'm terrible but it was really fun :)
I decided to change my plans as I was supposed to be heading towards Oslo Norway today but couldn't find any cheap hostels to stay in. Everything I found was very far away and after adding up bus/ferry fare it just seemed stressful and expensive so a bit of a pricey lesson to learn as I have to just forget that flight I had as Ryan air doesn't refund. At least it was a cheaper flight.
So I booked a new flight from Stockholm to Edinburgh....YAY on Wednesday I'll be in Scotland!!! I am sad I'm not going to visit my other two friends in England but might be able to catch them elsewhere or on my way back through in January.
I booked my hostel in Edinburgh and will be there for 3 days before deciding my next move. I'm trying to decide if I should go to Glasgow as I've been told a few times to skip it as there isn't much to see. So should I head right from Edinburgh to Ireland....hmmmm?
Anyway I need to go get ready and out in the beautiful sunshine!
Have a wonderful day <3
I've been lucking out with the weather as it hasn't even rained once! It was dark and cloudy yesterday but back to sunny and beautiful today.
I slept in and had a leasurely morning. Got to do laundry yay!!
Niclas and his friend came home and we headed into town to this super cool fun place. About 4 or 5 buses/trains later we made it there. Apparently it's pretty close but feels a long ways a way when you take so many modes of transportation. It was a 4 storey glass building filled with movie theatres, bowling, arcade games, pool tables.....everything you could ever want to do for fun was there! Neat place!
We headed out for dinner there and Niclas's two sisters and one of their boyfriends joined us. Everyone spoke English so it was great but whenever they couldn't come up with the word they'd speak in Swedish. As long as people talk with their hands and expressions I can usually figure out the jist of whats being said haha. One of the guys I met back in London told me everyone in Sweden is very well dressed and good looking....that's very true, everyone looks quite put together.
Everyone was so nice and was lovely to meet them! We headed for a game of bowling which they were all good at and I'm terrible but it was really fun :)
I decided to change my plans as I was supposed to be heading towards Oslo Norway today but couldn't find any cheap hostels to stay in. Everything I found was very far away and after adding up bus/ferry fare it just seemed stressful and expensive so a bit of a pricey lesson to learn as I have to just forget that flight I had as Ryan air doesn't refund. At least it was a cheaper flight.
So I booked a new flight from Stockholm to Edinburgh....YAY on Wednesday I'll be in Scotland!!! I am sad I'm not going to visit my other two friends in England but might be able to catch them elsewhere or on my way back through in January.
I booked my hostel in Edinburgh and will be there for 3 days before deciding my next move. I'm trying to decide if I should go to Glasgow as I've been told a few times to skip it as there isn't much to see. So should I head right from Edinburgh to Ireland....hmmmm?
Anyway I need to go get ready and out in the beautiful sunshine!
Have a wonderful day <3
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Vacker dag i Stockholm
Which means.....beautiful day in Swedish (according to google translate) and a beautiful day it was! At a crisp 8 degrees the sun was shining and the leaves were blowing and falling from the trees. On the waterfront it was soooo windy today!! Sandra and I set out around 9 am this morning as we were going to do the free walking tour but ended up just walking around ourselves. We navigated the busses and headed for Old Town Stockholm. Thank goodness I have a friends here as Sweden is not an easy place for me to navigate. In the touristy parts signs are also in English but everywhere else they are not. I would have no idea if I was coming or going on the trains and the stations were even more confusing then London as there was no flow of direction. There was many many many directions to go and everything from entrance gates, to escalators, stairs, trains and busses....how's a girl to know which way to go?!? At least Sandra did so I just stuck behind her haha.
Old town was charming and picturesque! I love Stockholm much more then London. Although still busy and bustling no where near as crazy as London. People were still briskly moving about and obviously had places to get to but it didn't have the same panic stricken feel to it. Built on over 14 islands Stockholm feels more like home. I love the waterfront you can find in any direction you look! We window shopped through the tourist stores and walked through parks and past castles. We headed down to the water and ended up taking a sight seeing boat tour which I LOVED! What a great way to see Stockholm....from all angles!!
After the tour we walked around and found a fancy little bistro to eat lunch until mid afternoon and then decided to call it a day. We made our way back to the bus and headed home. Stopped to pick up a few groceries and walked back to Sandra's. Dinner was super and I so enjoy hearing Sandra and her family speak in Swedish. Even though I don't understand anything I can usually catch drift of what they are saying by expressions and the odd word that sounds similar in English form.
We watched a movie called Linclon Laywer this evening and enjoyed each others company. What a fantastic day!
Goodnight xoxo
Old town was charming and picturesque! I love Stockholm much more then London. Although still busy and bustling no where near as crazy as London. People were still briskly moving about and obviously had places to get to but it didn't have the same panic stricken feel to it. Built on over 14 islands Stockholm feels more like home. I love the waterfront you can find in any direction you look! We window shopped through the tourist stores and walked through parks and past castles. We headed down to the water and ended up taking a sight seeing boat tour which I LOVED! What a great way to see Stockholm....from all angles!!
After the tour we walked around and found a fancy little bistro to eat lunch until mid afternoon and then decided to call it a day. We made our way back to the bus and headed home. Stopped to pick up a few groceries and walked back to Sandra's. Dinner was super and I so enjoy hearing Sandra and her family speak in Swedish. Even though I don't understand anything I can usually catch drift of what they are saying by expressions and the odd word that sounds similar in English form.
We watched a movie called Linclon Laywer this evening and enjoyed each others company. What a fantastic day!
Goodnight xoxo
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Planes, Trains and Buses
Today was another travel day. Had a great night in the pub the evening before with some hostel friends, said my goodbyes and left The White Ferry hostel at 11 am this morning. Had a short walk up to the bus station and caught the next one to Gatwick Airport which took about an hour. I was flying with Ryan air for the first time which is known to have cheap flights throughout Europe. But what I didn't know is it's kind of like a fight for your life situation haha. They don't tell you what gate your boarding from until 60 minutes before your departure and it comes up on the little airport screens. Once thru security you find your gate and wait to board. It's free seating so there are no assigned seats so again everyone rushes to get on the airplane to find that perfect seat for their trip. I always want the window and luckily enough I found one. It was a 2 hour flight into Stockholm and also they are an hour ahead. Just as I was getting used to London time I've gone ahead another hour. Pretty sure my internal clock is getting slightly confused by now....
After landing I made my way to the (insert strange swedish name here) buses and bought my ticket. 2 hours later I arrived in Stockholm city and was greeted by my friend Sandra! Sooo excited to see her it's been a year and a half now since I saw her last. We stopped for some food and 20 mins or so later we arrived at her house. We caught up and looked online for what we should do for the next two days. She's on vacation herself as she normally lives in Canada and hasn't been in Stockholm much in the past 5 years so it's kind of fun we both get to be tourists even though she was born and raised here haha. Sounds like we are going to do the free walking tour, try to take a boat ride if the weather is nice which it's supposed to be and pick up some groceries. YAY Sweden! Now I feel like I'm fasr from home !!!
After landing I made my way to the (insert strange swedish name here) buses and bought my ticket. 2 hours later I arrived in Stockholm city and was greeted by my friend Sandra! Sooo excited to see her it's been a year and a half now since I saw her last. We stopped for some food and 20 mins or so later we arrived at her house. We caught up and looked online for what we should do for the next two days. She's on vacation herself as she normally lives in Canada and hasn't been in Stockholm much in the past 5 years so it's kind of fun we both get to be tourists even though she was born and raised here haha. Sounds like we are going to do the free walking tour, try to take a boat ride if the weather is nice which it's supposed to be and pick up some groceries. YAY Sweden! Now I feel like I'm fasr from home !!!
Monday, October 24, 2011
Windy roads and countryside
Yesterday I had a pretty low day. After walking ten some odd hours the day before my lungs hurt and my cold was getting the best of me. I was up from 4-8 am because I couldn't sleep, ate breakfast then headed back to bed and woke up at 11 when the cleaning people came in to do the room. Ahhhh sleep glorious sleep! I wandered down to the pub and sat there for a bit and researched what I want to do in Scotland when I get there. Had another nap and woke up up 7....oops. But still mananged to get to bed at 10:30 and slept the night :)
Today started at 6:45 am. Got up and ready and down for breakfast. I am getting the hang of this hostel thing. I only dig into the depths of my backpack once a day if possible. As everything needs to come out in order to get a new outfit for the day and everything has a particular order it needs to go back in. I have learned to have your pjs under your pillow as not to wake sleepy hostel guests when you come in the room past 8 pm as someone is always in bed at that hour. I put a pair of socks in my runners in case I want to wear those, other then that I wear flats or flip flops around the hostel. A flashlight is always kept nearby as well for ease of navigating the room in the dark.
So bad to today....Ater breakfast and hit the road by 7:45. I had a bit of a walk down to where Anderson tours was picking me up for the day. Hit the bus at 8:25 and after one more stop it was off o Stonehenge. I thought Vancouver drivers were bad....London is 1000 times worse. If driving on the other side of the road isn't disorienting enough they fly down the smallest streets and weave in and out of other drives in the way...all while cars are parked along both sides so there isn't much room in the first place. Add pedestrians and bikes and you've got disaster waiting to happen. However we survived like they seem to every day.
Once we got to Stonehenge we had an hour to walk around the stones and listen to our audio guides. The sun came out so it was perfect for pictures but it was sure windy and a little chilly!
We then had an hour bus ride into Bath. What an amazing little city! So beautiful and picturesque...and the windy roads and autumn countryside on the way even more so.
After a quick driving tour around the city we went in to explore the Roman Baths. A very interesting part of history!
We then had 2 hours to eat lunch and explore the town. We walked along the busy streets but everything is very quaint and lovable. It was a lovely break from the chaos of London. I adored Bath!!
Scott and I (one of the guys I met at the walking tour he other day) walked around to see the Cresent and Circus which are two stunning pieces of arcitechture before walking down the main street to a lovely little place for lunch. I had an awesome ceasar salad and veggie spring rolls which was a nice change from the cereal, bread and pizza I have been eaten but cost me a good 21 pounds!
We wandered back to the coach for our 2 1/2 hour drive back to London. I managed to get a little nap in on the way after a busy day. I was dropped off at Victoria station and found my way back to the hostel.
I finally figured it out without getting lost :)
And now tomorrow I leave for Sweden to visit Sandra and Niclas. Sooo excited to see them!!
I'm also pleased the internet is working in the pub tonight. Some of the hardcore internet users must have checked out today.
Anyway that's it for now. Pictures to come soon.
Today started at 6:45 am. Got up and ready and down for breakfast. I am getting the hang of this hostel thing. I only dig into the depths of my backpack once a day if possible. As everything needs to come out in order to get a new outfit for the day and everything has a particular order it needs to go back in. I have learned to have your pjs under your pillow as not to wake sleepy hostel guests when you come in the room past 8 pm as someone is always in bed at that hour. I put a pair of socks in my runners in case I want to wear those, other then that I wear flats or flip flops around the hostel. A flashlight is always kept nearby as well for ease of navigating the room in the dark.
So bad to today....Ater breakfast and hit the road by 7:45. I had a bit of a walk down to where Anderson tours was picking me up for the day. Hit the bus at 8:25 and after one more stop it was off o Stonehenge. I thought Vancouver drivers were bad....London is 1000 times worse. If driving on the other side of the road isn't disorienting enough they fly down the smallest streets and weave in and out of other drives in the way...all while cars are parked along both sides so there isn't much room in the first place. Add pedestrians and bikes and you've got disaster waiting to happen. However we survived like they seem to every day.
Once we got to Stonehenge we had an hour to walk around the stones and listen to our audio guides. The sun came out so it was perfect for pictures but it was sure windy and a little chilly!
We then had an hour bus ride into Bath. What an amazing little city! So beautiful and picturesque...and the windy roads and autumn countryside on the way even more so.
After a quick driving tour around the city we went in to explore the Roman Baths. A very interesting part of history!
We then had 2 hours to eat lunch and explore the town. We walked along the busy streets but everything is very quaint and lovable. It was a lovely break from the chaos of London. I adored Bath!!
Scott and I (one of the guys I met at the walking tour he other day) walked around to see the Cresent and Circus which are two stunning pieces of arcitechture before walking down the main street to a lovely little place for lunch. I had an awesome ceasar salad and veggie spring rolls which was a nice change from the cereal, bread and pizza I have been eaten but cost me a good 21 pounds!
We wandered back to the coach for our 2 1/2 hour drive back to London. I managed to get a little nap in on the way after a busy day. I was dropped off at Victoria station and found my way back to the hostel.
I finally figured it out without getting lost :)
And now tomorrow I leave for Sweden to visit Sandra and Niclas. Sooo excited to see them!!
I'm also pleased the internet is working in the pub tonight. Some of the hardcore internet users must have checked out today.
Anyway that's it for now. Pictures to come soon.
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Today was an experience
I decided to head out for a walking tour so had a 25 minute walk to get to where it was starting. Had a great guide named Thomas and he showed us around to the changing of the guards at Buckingham Palace, Hyde park corner, Nelsons Column, Trafalgar square, Wellington Arch, Horse guards, Big Ben, Westminster Abbey and many more places. From there we all met up at a pub for lunch. Two other people I met at the tour, both Canadians, one from Edmonton and one from Vancouver we decided to continue on together for the afternoon to London Tower. It was stupid pricey to go in so we just saw from the outside and it was beautiful!! We went to 3 markets down by the River Thames, walked the Millennium Bridge. I navigated the tube train station and the buses.....thank goodness for having help the first time I did that because overwhelming was an understatment!! Chaos was about the only way to describe it. We ended up in Piccadilly which felt like a mini Times Square. People were bustling about and the tube station was a fight for your life kind of zone. WHEW!!
I managed to get on the right bus and head in the direction of my hostel. It was supposed to be a 5 minute walk from the bus stop but of course I seemed to be going in circles so it took me awhile to find where I was headed again. It was dark now and have been told not to spend too much time walking alone after dark so was on a mission to find my way.
Got to the hostel safe and sound.....had been walking for about 10 hours straight by this point...thank goodness for wonderful comfy shoes because my feet don't even hurt....but the rest of my body sure does!!!
So today I spent a whole lot of time out of my comfort zone....which is what you tend to do while your travelling but for those of you who know me personally know I'm a pretty sensitive person. That being so even spending 3 days in Vancouver tends to make my head spin so although proud of what I accomplished on my first full day in London I am BEAT!!
Upon returning to my hostel I had a fight with my wire mesh bag protector thing that was securing my backpack to my bed while I was out for the day. My lock decided it wouldn't open so after about 10 minutes of putting in the same code, some colorful words and alot of pulling it finally opened. Must fiddle with lock now before I try that again!
As far as "hosteling" goes I need alot more practice. You can tell the people that have been travelling for awhile and those like me who are total newbies. The rest seem to stay up late and party, stumble into the room late, sleep in so they don't need to worry about waking the others and then shower and out the door they go. I seem to take more time to do....well....everything but I suppose this will get easier. I don't like being an inconvenience so I don't turn on lights while people are sleeping and try to be relatively quiet ect. I am always packing or organising my bag or something it seems haha. Maybe the others are too I just don't see it. I'm going with that :P What a learning curve! But I can do it!!!
Anyway I hope this makes sense....I'm sitting back in the pub as the Internet connection won't work up on the 3rd floor where my room is. It's loud and I'm sleepy. I'm hoping this is still somewhat jetlag and being sick because I don't have any energy to party.....but there's plenty of time for that!! Costs too much to drink anyway! Hoping I get over my cold soon as it almost felt worse today....yuck!!
I will upload some pictures soon as I took LOTS today. Hoping to go to Stonehenge and Bath tomorrow but need to get busy researching to make it happen.....so here's to hoping the Internet holds out.
Goodnight all!!
Friday, October 21, 2011
Let the adventure begin!
Good Morning.....October 20th this is how I set out from the hotel room this morning. Should have put my day bag on my front as to show what I REALLY look like lugging my gear around on my back like a turtle for the next 3 months.
Well the last 48 hours have been a whirlwind!! Tuesday was my last day of work and last day in Courtenay. I worked til 3 then packed up and headed back to Port Alberni. Wednesday I finished all my last errands and running around I had to do to be prepared for my trip...then in the afternoon my mom and I headed up island to Victoria to visit with my brother and his girlfriend and their new little dog otis who I LOVED. I got all my rounds done and actually got to say bye to lots of family members :)
Late Wednesday night my mom and I caught the last ferry over to Vancouver so I could have a good night sleep and not be in a rush in the AM.
It was wonderful...thanks mom!!
We both got ready, I did the final pack and weighed my bags before heading to the airport. I had left lots of time and it turned out my flight was delayed by another half hour so it was nice to just RELAX. Mom and I visited, had lunch, stopped at currency exchange before she saw me off to security and had to say our goodbyes. I'm getting so sappy as I get older and still can't hold back the tears though I sure try my darndest too!
With many hugs, loves, blown kisses and waves goodbye I disappeared into a sea of people trying to get through security. And just like that I was on my own and so was she.
Took me a few minutes to breathe normally where I didn't feel like I was going to cry if someone even said a word to me but after that I was good. I walked to find my gate and then shopped around in duty free for a little bit. Before boarding I sent my last few text messages sending my love and goodbyes and turned off my beloved iphone.
QUESTION for all you international travellers with Iphones....I went into Telus before I left and all they told me to do was turn off 3G and data roaming so I did that before I left. However I turned my phone on upon landing in London as I had a taken a picture of my directions for how to get to my hostel. I got 2 texts that had been sent from home earlier, and one welcoming me to the UK and then where it normally says Telus up in the left hand corner it said vodaphone uk......FREAKOUT. I hope that didn't cost me and arm and a leg?!?!?! So my next question is what do I do about it? I want to be able to use my phone in wifi but other then that I don't want it roaming, texting, calling ect so what do I need to do? For the time being I have it in airplane mode and that seems to shut off wifi along with everything else. Is that good enough? Please help!!!!
Beyond that....I met 2 people in line to go through customs in London and ended up having a great chat as we had a good hour wait ahead of us. From there the 3 of us, all unfamiliar with the hustle and bustle of the London train stations, headed out to face it together. Step 1 We got our tickets after the nice couple in line behind us helped us choose. Really I think they just wanted their tickets faster as I was holding up the line...oops. Step 2 find said train. There are many different companies of trains and many different prices and directions of these trains. But we figured it out and within minutes were settled on our 30 minute ride into Victoria Station. From there I said goodbye to my 2 new friends as they were carrying on and I set out on foot to find my hostel.
Tried to look at my map, couldn't find the street, asked the tourist info guy...and no lie this is what he tells me.....go there (points left) go left, go left again and down. Ok so with those vague directions off I went with my 37 pound backpack on my back my 12 pound small day bag on my front and my little purse. Doesn't take long to work up a sweat carrying that much weight whoooo eeee! I also put my sweater on so it was one less thing to carry and after strapping myself in I would face the over heating until I find my hostel and can free myself from the straps of all these bags.
Fast forward til now....I've checked in, put my bags down, got a HUGE glass of nice cold coke and here I sit talking to you in the pub below my hostel hoping all I need is the adapter for this computer otherwise it might just blow up. It doesn't plug into the converter because it has a ground so I'm hoping I've done it right. No smoke and flames so far at least :)
Well starting to get a little tired and hungry so think I might navigate some food and am counting down the hours to bedtime. I left Vancouver at 5:30 pm by the time the plane took off, was an 8 1/2 hour flight and landed at 9:30 am their time here so that was my night. I watched a movie and got a good long sleep in but not quite long enough! I've been running at full steam the past few weeks getting ready for this very day so now I can stop running. Ahhhhh bliss......What will tomorrow bring? Can't WAIT to start out on this amazing, exciting, backpack adventure.
Well the last 48 hours have been a whirlwind!! Tuesday was my last day of work and last day in Courtenay. I worked til 3 then packed up and headed back to Port Alberni. Wednesday I finished all my last errands and running around I had to do to be prepared for my trip...then in the afternoon my mom and I headed up island to Victoria to visit with my brother and his girlfriend and their new little dog otis who I LOVED. I got all my rounds done and actually got to say bye to lots of family members :)
Late Wednesday night my mom and I caught the last ferry over to Vancouver so I could have a good night sleep and not be in a rush in the AM.
It was wonderful...thanks mom!!
We both got ready, I did the final pack and weighed my bags before heading to the airport. I had left lots of time and it turned out my flight was delayed by another half hour so it was nice to just RELAX. Mom and I visited, had lunch, stopped at currency exchange before she saw me off to security and had to say our goodbyes. I'm getting so sappy as I get older and still can't hold back the tears though I sure try my darndest too!
With many hugs, loves, blown kisses and waves goodbye I disappeared into a sea of people trying to get through security. And just like that I was on my own and so was she.
Took me a few minutes to breathe normally where I didn't feel like I was going to cry if someone even said a word to me but after that I was good. I walked to find my gate and then shopped around in duty free for a little bit. Before boarding I sent my last few text messages sending my love and goodbyes and turned off my beloved iphone.
QUESTION for all you international travellers with Iphones....I went into Telus before I left and all they told me to do was turn off 3G and data roaming so I did that before I left. However I turned my phone on upon landing in London as I had a taken a picture of my directions for how to get to my hostel. I got 2 texts that had been sent from home earlier, and one welcoming me to the UK and then where it normally says Telus up in the left hand corner it said vodaphone uk......FREAKOUT. I hope that didn't cost me and arm and a leg?!?!?! So my next question is what do I do about it? I want to be able to use my phone in wifi but other then that I don't want it roaming, texting, calling ect so what do I need to do? For the time being I have it in airplane mode and that seems to shut off wifi along with everything else. Is that good enough? Please help!!!!
Beyond that....I met 2 people in line to go through customs in London and ended up having a great chat as we had a good hour wait ahead of us. From there the 3 of us, all unfamiliar with the hustle and bustle of the London train stations, headed out to face it together. Step 1 We got our tickets after the nice couple in line behind us helped us choose. Really I think they just wanted their tickets faster as I was holding up the line...oops. Step 2 find said train. There are many different companies of trains and many different prices and directions of these trains. But we figured it out and within minutes were settled on our 30 minute ride into Victoria Station. From there I said goodbye to my 2 new friends as they were carrying on and I set out on foot to find my hostel.
Tried to look at my map, couldn't find the street, asked the tourist info guy...and no lie this is what he tells me.....go there (points left) go left, go left again and down. Ok so with those vague directions off I went with my 37 pound backpack on my back my 12 pound small day bag on my front and my little purse. Doesn't take long to work up a sweat carrying that much weight whoooo eeee! I also put my sweater on so it was one less thing to carry and after strapping myself in I would face the over heating until I find my hostel and can free myself from the straps of all these bags.
Fast forward til now....I've checked in, put my bags down, got a HUGE glass of nice cold coke and here I sit talking to you in the pub below my hostel hoping all I need is the adapter for this computer otherwise it might just blow up. It doesn't plug into the converter because it has a ground so I'm hoping I've done it right. No smoke and flames so far at least :)
Well starting to get a little tired and hungry so think I might navigate some food and am counting down the hours to bedtime. I left Vancouver at 5:30 pm by the time the plane took off, was an 8 1/2 hour flight and landed at 9:30 am their time here so that was my night. I watched a movie and got a good long sleep in but not quite long enough! I've been running at full steam the past few weeks getting ready for this very day so now I can stop running. Ahhhhh bliss......What will tomorrow bring? Can't WAIT to start out on this amazing, exciting, backpack adventure.
Monday, October 17, 2011
Almost that time
Well with my days to "get things done" nearing to a quick close I have only 2 remaining! Tomorrow is my last day of work and I'll be moving everything home to Port Alberni before heading out on my 3 month adventure to Europe.
3 more sleeps....that's it! Hard to believe after a lifetime of dreaming about it that in 3 days I fly off into the unknown as a solo female traveller. EEEkkkk but yet soooo exciting!!
I have almost everything I need with just a few little items left to pick up, I've packed my bag time and time again to make sure it all fits and isn't too heavy. I've been wearing my shoes around to make sure they are comfy so all thats left is to dot my i's and cross my t's :) then off I go!
I have lined up a few friends to stay with during my first 2 weeks in England and Sweden so looking forward to seeing them all again as well as having some great company to start things off in an unfamiliar place.
My first hostel in London is booked for 4 nights as well as my flight on to Sweden and back to London from Norway. Beyond that I'M NOT GOING TO PLAN. I LOVE to plan...I mean really have a problem with it. I used to say I wanted to live spontaneously and have a life filled with fun and adventure. I'm not exactly sure when that went out the window and I turned into a control freak (as my lovely sister referred to me as the other day, thanks Kisa)!! Maybe it was the role I took on because of my jobs or what have you but somewhere I took it a little too far. i like time, I am always on time, I like set days, I like to know how it's all going to unfold tomorrow and the next day and maybe even next week. So now is the time to embrace NOT PLANNING and finally checking out what spontaneous and adventurous feels like....YAHOO.
So if any of you have advice on "must do" or must sees" while over in Europe do let me know and help me discover freedom and fun.
Ready to join me on a adventure of a lifetime? Well hold on to your pockets people and LETS GO!!!!
Catch ya at the airport.....TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)
3 more sleeps....that's it! Hard to believe after a lifetime of dreaming about it that in 3 days I fly off into the unknown as a solo female traveller. EEEkkkk but yet soooo exciting!!
I have almost everything I need with just a few little items left to pick up, I've packed my bag time and time again to make sure it all fits and isn't too heavy. I've been wearing my shoes around to make sure they are comfy so all thats left is to dot my i's and cross my t's :) then off I go!
I have lined up a few friends to stay with during my first 2 weeks in England and Sweden so looking forward to seeing them all again as well as having some great company to start things off in an unfamiliar place.
My first hostel in London is booked for 4 nights as well as my flight on to Sweden and back to London from Norway. Beyond that I'M NOT GOING TO PLAN. I LOVE to plan...I mean really have a problem with it. I used to say I wanted to live spontaneously and have a life filled with fun and adventure. I'm not exactly sure when that went out the window and I turned into a control freak (as my lovely sister referred to me as the other day, thanks Kisa)!! Maybe it was the role I took on because of my jobs or what have you but somewhere I took it a little too far. i like time, I am always on time, I like set days, I like to know how it's all going to unfold tomorrow and the next day and maybe even next week. So now is the time to embrace NOT PLANNING and finally checking out what spontaneous and adventurous feels like....YAHOO.
So if any of you have advice on "must do" or must sees" while over in Europe do let me know and help me discover freedom and fun.
Ready to join me on a adventure of a lifetime? Well hold on to your pockets people and LETS GO!!!!
Catch ya at the airport.....TTFN (Ta Ta For Now)
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Que Sera Sera
With only 13 days left before I jet set off into the unknown reality is kicking in that I still have ALOT to do. I've been shopping, buying clothes, travel accessories all the fun little do dads that will make life out of a backpack easier all while hoping said items will fit into said backpack AND be within the weight restrictions!! At this moment I'm kind of picturing myself being one of those people that is wearing as many different layers as I can pack on and still fit in the airline seat just so I can bring along everything I want to without my checked baggage being labeled as HEAVY. Because then on top of having to pay more money for your bag to fly you become that girl who is un willing to let go of her material possessions...and in turn you get that bright orange label with black letters. Not cool.
So do the rest of you go through this same challenge? I know I'm supposed to embrace this time, this gift of travel and to jump in full hearted and live the experience yada yada but why is it so hard to bring what feels like not nearly enough stuff. I don't want to be that dirty smelly traveller with 2 shirts, 2 pants some socks and undies and nothing else. Hmmm Apparently the lessons have already begun because I have realized how much I like to plan, organize and have stuff! OY!
K I'll stop ranting....for now.
13 days....Yep I'm excited and counting down. 13 days til I leave, 9 more days of work, family visits, thanksgiving dinners (gobble gobble) then I'm outta here :) I hate saying goodbyes as I turn into a blubbering idiot but as the songs goes " I still got a lotta leavin left to do" so guess I might as well practice.
On that note I'm up way past my bedtime as usual so this is where I say goodbye....
Goodnight, sweet dreams and Que Sera Sera...whatever will be will be.
So do the rest of you go through this same challenge? I know I'm supposed to embrace this time, this gift of travel and to jump in full hearted and live the experience yada yada but why is it so hard to bring what feels like not nearly enough stuff. I don't want to be that dirty smelly traveller with 2 shirts, 2 pants some socks and undies and nothing else. Hmmm Apparently the lessons have already begun because I have realized how much I like to plan, organize and have stuff! OY!
K I'll stop ranting....for now.
13 days....Yep I'm excited and counting down. 13 days til I leave, 9 more days of work, family visits, thanksgiving dinners (gobble gobble) then I'm outta here :) I hate saying goodbyes as I turn into a blubbering idiot but as the songs goes " I still got a lotta leavin left to do" so guess I might as well practice.
On that note I'm up way past my bedtime as usual so this is where I say goodbye....
Goodnight, sweet dreams and Que Sera Sera...whatever will be will be.
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
My Journey to Serendipity

Serendipity is when someone comes across something that they weren't expecting to find.
In the simplest of words, it means a "happy accident" or a "pleasant surprise".
That's kind of how life unfolds isn't it?
I have always loved "Serendipity"....from the time I was little and my dad was reading me the childrens book or to the romantic comedy with John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.
So when looking for a title for my blog, Serendipity As I see it, is what came up!
So....I'm at it again...Blogging....and setting off on another wild adventure...
EUROTRIP !!!!This time is not for work but for FUN, TRAVEL and for ME. I have dreamed about travelling for as long as I can remember and after taking a bad fall from a training horse last October which resulted in breaking 3 ribs and puncturing a lung, I made some changes in my life to finally be able to go. After a year of toying with the idea of travel and making steps in the right direction to be able to do so, in September I booked my flight and made it reality. I've been penny pinching, selling everything I own that I can think would make me some money and rallying up family members to contribute since "I'll be missing Christmas after all so consider it my present :) "
I'm not sure I have enough $$$ but that's half the fun of finding out isn't it haha. Canadian, Euros, Brisith Pounds and the many many more currencies Europe seems to consist of.
I'm actually really excited to be lost, scared and confused in the middle of extreme culture shock because there is something that changes in a person when you travel (I'll elaborate more on that as I go) But of course I'm dreaming of the finer details as well....
So welcome to my blog, I look forward to sharing my stories, pictures, trials and tribulations of a small town country girl backpacking the world!
Ready, Set Go....15 days and counting down to departure ;)
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