Serendipity is when someone comes across something that they weren't expecting to find.
In the simplest of words, it means a "happy accident" or a "pleasant surprise".
That's kind of how life unfolds isn't it?
I have always loved "Serendipity"....from the time I was little and my dad was reading me the childrens book or to the romantic comedy with John Cusack and Kate Beckinsale.
So when looking for a title for my blog, Serendipity As I see it, is what came up!
So....I'm at it again...Blogging....and setting off on another wild adventure...
EUROTRIP !!!!This time is not for work but for FUN, TRAVEL and for ME. I have dreamed about travelling for as long as I can remember and after taking a bad fall from a training horse last October which resulted in breaking 3 ribs and puncturing a lung, I made some changes in my life to finally be able to go. After a year of toying with the idea of travel and making steps in the right direction to be able to do so, in September I booked my flight and made it reality. I've been penny pinching, selling everything I own that I can think would make me some money and rallying up family members to contribute since "I'll be missing Christmas after all so consider it my present :) "
I'm not sure I have enough $$$ but that's half the fun of finding out isn't it haha. Canadian, Euros, Brisith Pounds and the many many more currencies Europe seems to consist of.
I'm actually really excited to be lost, scared and confused in the middle of extreme culture shock because there is something that changes in a person when you travel (I'll elaborate more on that as I go) But of course I'm dreaming of the finer details as well....
So welcome to my blog, I look forward to sharing my stories, pictures, trials and tribulations of a small town country girl backpacking the world!
Ready, Set Go....15 days and counting down to departure ;)
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