
Friday, August 23, 2013

Blog on!

Wow 1 year and 7 months since I blogged last.
A lot has happened in that time, too much to begin filling you in on at this very moment.
Short version.....couldn't get a work visa, didn't move to Spain.  Bought a farm back in my home town and been busy building my dream equestrian center ever since!  Sounds simple enough hey haha.
However tonight I was drawn to write and blogging has always been an interest to me.
I'm not sure why....why blog when you can journal?  Perhaps I like the thought of writing to someone or having people relate.  A feeling of not being alone in this world.....

I am a go getter.  I try to do it all, have it all and be it all.  Only lately I'm kinda failing at IT all.
I'm working towards everything I want to be doing in my business but through the process I have forgotten myself as so many people do.
How do you be you as a person instead of just your job title?  Especially when you have 25 horses and their owners who rely on you 24/7 365 days a year.  Horses don't stop eating or pooing because its your Birthday or Christmas.
  This turns a girl into a hermit pretty fast, not that being a hermit on the farm is a bad thing....I think anyway.
I love the farm.  I love the people that come here and I love each and every horse that's here.  Minus a few points to the ones who kick my stall doors when I can't magically deliver their grain as soon as I appear in the barn in the morning.  25 horses shazaam!  Wish is was that easy haha.

Anyway I struggle with how to be 28, single, spontaneous and fun.  I think I forgot how to be fun.  And spontaneity....well....coming from a self proclaimed detail oriented control freak.....taking off at a moments notice is just not something I can do anymore.

I'd love to hear from my fellow equestrians.....just how do you balance it all and continue being you as a person instead of you as a trainer, coach, rider, fill in the blank.

I've always prided myself on the title of being "professional"  But does being professional mean you can't fall?  Does it mean you shouldn't have a voice or write about your thoughts, fears, concerns in a blog?
I've always cared too much about what other people think or the judgements they'll make but now I say screw em!
How can I be an example to my students to be strong and individual if I don't live it myself.
Here's to maintaining "professional" but putting Shawna as a person, back into the picture.
Blog on!


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