Edinburgh castle in all it's glory ontop the no longer active volcano it lives on.
I had the most awesome day today!!! After a late start from not sleeping very well I got ready and wandered out the hostel by 11ish. I leisurely strolled down Princes street and through the parks. I took some pictures, and ready my Let's Go Europe book while I killed some time before the free walking tour. Closer to 1 I made my way up the Royal Mile, grabbed a Starbucks...mmmm....and met up with the guides. For 3 hours we wandered, marveled and took many photos. I LOVE EDINBURGH! So far this might be my favorite place, even considering Bath.
After the walking tour we headed for a pub. I tried Haggis....didn't order one for myself because I'm still revolted by the mere thought of it but I took a fork full, put it in my mouth, chewed, swallowed and survived haha. The spice to it is actually really good but as I was processing my taste buds all I could think of were the ingredients....YACK! But at least I tried it in Scotland, yay me :)
From there we decided to keep wandering together, a common theme after these tours. Walk walk and keep walking. We decided we wanted to try to find one of the ghost tours for the evening but nothing too late as some don't start until 9 pm.
We had heard the Mary Kings Close was a good tour and at 4:45 we found out there was one at 5 pm. Instead of being rational and just calling to see if we'd make it we pulled an Amazing Race episode and took off out the door gears grinding. Well we in fact made it there by 5:02 as it's a good 15-20 minute walk from the hostel, red faced and out of breath to our dismay....SOLD OUT. HAHA Of course it was but it made for great fun and a good dash of exercise.
So we bought a ticket for tomorrow and headed on our way. After sitting to regain our breath we wandered around the corner to a Chocolate Cafe. OMG it was beyond decadent! I had a white hot chocolate and a brownie....which I barely finished...this coming from a certified chocoholic. I was impressed! Yummm
We decided upon a Double Dead tour we were going to do at 7:30 so had a bit more time to kill. We visited some shops and wandered around the cobblestone streets then made our way to the tour meeting place.
We went down into the underground tunnels and taverns and heard the haunting stories from the past. Edinburgh is considered one of the most haunted cities in the world and people come from all over to prove the paranormal. It was fantastic....I love that stuff!
After a bone chilling tour under the streets of Edinburgh we made our way back to the roadways and down to the Cemetery in Greyfriars Graveyard where J.K Rowling got most of her inspiration for the characters in Harry Potter as well as the Hogwarts school which sits up on the hill. We walked amongst the gravestones as our guide told us stories from long ago. We then entered into the Covenanters Prison which is usually locked off from the public. A very chilling place to be as the owl hooed and bats flew above us. We stood inside the Black Mausoleum which paranormal investigators frequently watch as there have been over 100 reports of people fainting while inside as well as being physically attacked. I'm kind of hoping something strange shows up in my pictures!
That was the end of our 2 hour ghost tour. So yet again we walked back across the main sights back to our hostel. I'm thankful for my super good shoes as even with them my feet are sore today so am looking forward to shower and to jump into bed clean for another action packed day of sightseeing tomorrow!
This picture was taken after our sprint of failure....notice the red and glistening faces haha
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