I'm finally getting caught up. My past two hostels either haven't had wifi, it never worked or it was crazy expensive so I've been writing and saving my blog entries and posting them when I finally get online. So bare with me :) They will come!
Today was my first full day in Bruges. Lovely town but the people really don't send out friendly vibes. I smile and say hello to most people and I rarely get smiles back....hmmmpfh fine then! Not letting it affect me so I just keep on my merry way!
When I told a friend about that he said "hunny welcome to Europe" surely ALL europeans aren't unhappy and dispise tourists do they? I don't feel Canadians respond the same way to tourists at all....over all we are pretty open adn welcoming aren't we? Maybe that's why I find it strange. I had a conversation with a guy at the hostel back in Amsterdam about a girl he dated, and broke up with because she was too nice and she was Canadian. He pointed at me and said "your way too nice....ALL the time" I don't think I'm THAT nice....well maybe I am haha.
Anyway Bruges is made of of old school buildings, cobblestone streets, little canals and many restaurants. Ohh the food, even my guide book says that Belgium is not a place you'll ever go hungry and in most cases if you could die from calorie intake alone....Belgium would kill you. French fries were invented here, there's truffles and praline chocolates on every corner and waffles with every kind of topping immaginable including....you guessed it...chocolate!!
Most people speak Flemish (Dutch) or French. Much like Amsterdam I can't even begin to pronounce the words written on street signs. They speak with a sound made in the back of your throat like your trying to cough up a lugie....you think that would make your throat hurt speaking like that?
Talked with a local in the burger joint last night who's been here all his life. He said the people are old school as well and didn't have many nice things to say about Bruges haha.
It was a crisp but sunny day today...again I'm still so thankfull for the weather as I've officially been travelling for one month today and have only had like 1 day of rain....amazing!!!
I wandered the streets all morning and enjoyed getting lost. I set out to find a travel adapter as I must have left mine in Amsterdam though my roomate says she didn't see it. Much to my dismay I was told everything is closed on Sundays but to try a store called Saturn by the train station. Success ! It was open. Saturn was like an even bigger version of Future Shop!!! But I just browsed besides finding and buying my new adapter.
From there I took pictures as I went. Walked thru the town centre, into some little shops that were open and took in the air that is Bruges. There's a bit of a funky smell you catch every now and again. I'm guessing it's from all the water ways. I really had no idea Amsterdam and Belgium were built on so much water!
The sun has gone now so I've taken cover in a local pub where there's free wifi whoo hoo. I intend to park my butt here until as late as possible before heading back to my hostel as there's nothing to do there. I'm also researching the next leg of my trip.
Tomorrow I take the train to Antwerp where I'm being hosted....my first couchsurf...yay sooo exciting! I'll be spending 2 days there before heading onto Paris where I have another couch lined up for 3 days.
I have a bit of a travel dilemma at the moment as the train from Antwerp to Paris is almost $300! Thats so not in my budget so I'm looking into passes, for trains busses ect. So if any of you have advice please let me know!
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